Once again, master had his friends over. This time they were discussing President Lincoln’s election. I personally believe that Mr. President is a brilliant man, but master and his friends are destined to hate him. The president conducted his speech in Pennsylvania about the Declaration of Independence and how if the nation was to reassemble, it would bring peace all around. He defined this wretched war as a struggle against the principle of human equality. To me, this all makes perfect sense and I think we all would be better off reconnecting with the Union. I believe Mr. Lincoln delivered this speech to have the Confederates reconsider their decisions once again. I hope although the men at this house joke about it, real men will ponder the thought. If we rejoin the Union, I think slaves will be able to leave their masters or get paid for their work. I personally enjoy my situation and have no intention of leaving no matter what happens with the country we live in. Goodnight diary.