13th Amendment: December 13, 1865

Congress confirmed the abolishment of slavery this week. The thirteenth amendment was passed in Washington. This amendment bans slavery and forcing a person to work against their own will. This truly frightened me because I thought it meant I would be forced to leave my home. When my master saw me panicking, he reassured that I would always have a place here, and he is willing to give me wages for my work. I have never felt more relieved. I think this was passed because northerner’s were afraid for the slaves, even though I can not understand why they would be. I hope other people’s masters allow them to stay in their homes too. I believe many slaves will be out of jobs now. Goodnight diary.

Assassination of Lincoln: April 15, 1865


Today I heard the most terrible thing; President Lincoln has been shot and killed just yesterday. He was shot in Washington after watching a play. I am terribly sad about this because I really respected Mr. Lincoln’s decisions and was looking forward to what he was going to do post-war. I think a southerner did not like his decisions, to such an extent that he needed him dead. I think this will affect how the progress of the nation will reconnect, but I do not think there will be any personal changes for me. I believe that there will be a drastic shift in government. Goodnight diary.

54th Regiment: July 21, 1863


 While I was clearing the dinner table this evening, master was speaking of an African American army that fights for the Union. I believe he said said they were called the 54th Regiment. Although he was continuously dissing the regiment, he did manage to mention their notable honor. At Fort Wagner, less than a week ago, the unit lost the majority of their people, including their commander, but continued to fight on without waiting for reinforcements. I personally find this fascinating while master thinks it is a big joke, along with most of his thoughts about this war. It is amazing that the Union is making this much progress with accepting blacks into their society and believe the regiment was only possible because of this progress. I think if I were to be forced to leave my master and my home, that it is nice to know that I would be welcomed into the society in the north. Next, I believe there will be an integrated army. Goodnight diary.

Gettysburg Address: November 27, 1863

Once again, master had his friends over. This time they were discussing President Lincoln’s election. I personally believe that Mr. President is a brilliant man, but master and his friends are destined to hate him. The president conducted his speech in Pennsylvania about the Declaration of Independence and how if the nation was to reassemble, it would bring peace all around. He defined this wretched war as a struggle against the principle of human equality. To me, this all makes perfect sense and I think we all would be better off reconnecting with the Union. I believe Mr. Lincoln delivered this speech to have the Confederates reconsider their decisions once again. I hope although the men at this house joke about it, real men will ponder the thought. If we rejoin the Union, I think slaves will be able to leave their masters or get paid for their work. I personally enjoy my situation and have no intention of leaving no matter what happens with the country we live in. Goodnight diary.

Prisoners of War: March 27, 1862


Master’s son, George, has been fighting for the Confederate for about six months now. Last week, the house received a letter from George saying that he had been captured during a battle, but had just been let go from parole. After the Battle of Roanoke Island, he was sent to Elmira Prison in New York. George was the only man from his unit that survived Elmira. He spoke of how unsanitary the conditions at the prison were. He was released in exchange for a north prisoner to be released from a southern camp. This letter tore my master, mistress, and myself apart. I practically raised that child, and to just hear the struggles he went through broke my heart. Of course, I did not dare show it, as it was not my place to be distraught. I think George was captured because the north was too strong at Battle of Roanoke Island. I really wish this war would end already. Goodnight diary.

Bull Run: July 26, 1861


My master had some of his friends over today and they were speaking of the battle, the one that started the war. According to their discussion, the battle was just a few days ago. General Irvin McDowell marched his soldiers from Washington to Virginia to attack the Confederate army. My master and his men talked about it like it was a joke, even though they said the Confederates won the battle and over 400 men were killed. Their jokes made me feel sick to my stomach and I think this war is being fought over a stupid disagreement that could be settled in a simple discussion. Although, I think the men will continue to fight because they are like school children that refuse to stop until they win the battle. Goodnight diary.

Fugitive Slave Act: September 20, 1850


Today I heard some interesting news from my master while I was preparing dinner in the kitchen. It made him quite happy, but all my fellow inmates were quite confused by this new proposal called the Fugitive Slave Act. This act allows slave owners to retrieve their escaped slaves from the North. I do not know why any slave would escape from their master as they provide food and housing for you. I think this law has been place because slaves are running away from their masters who need them at home to help out. This act does not effect me at all because I have no intention of running away. I hope the masters get all their slaves back. Goodnight diary.

Compromise of 1850: February 3, 1850


I was clearing the dinner table when I noticed my master rapidly composing a letter to Washington DC. From the glimpses I caught, he noted things about Congress making major decisions. When I looked again, I saw something about California becoming a free state and the Fugitive Slave Law. He described the new law as, “an advancement towards keeping slaves in owner’s possessions.” This does not really effect me in anyway because I like my life here. I think this happened because so many people have slaves and want them to keep helping them with their housework and labor they have. I think this law will be around for a long time and getting additions to continue the help masters of slaves. Goodnight diary.